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use std::any::Any;
use spin_app::AppComponent;
use crate::{Error, Factor, RuntimeFactors};
/// A builder for a [`Factor`]'s per instance state.
pub trait FactorInstanceBuilder: Any {
/// The per instance state of the factor.
/// This is equivalent to the existing `HostComponent::Data` and ends up
/// being stored in the `wasmtime::Store`. Any `bindgen` traits for this
/// factor will be implemented on this type.
type InstanceState: Send + 'static;
/// Build the per instance state of the factor.
fn build(self) -> anyhow::Result<Self::InstanceState>;
impl FactorInstanceBuilder for () {
type InstanceState = ();
fn build(self) -> anyhow::Result<Self::InstanceState> {
/// A helper trait for when the type implementing [`FactorInstanceBuilder`] is also the instance state.
pub trait SelfInstanceBuilder: Send + 'static {}
impl<T: SelfInstanceBuilder> FactorInstanceBuilder for T {
type InstanceState = Self;
fn build(self) -> anyhow::Result<Self::InstanceState> {
/// A PrepareContext is passed to [`Factor::prepare`].
/// This gives the factor access to app state and the app component.
pub struct PrepareContext<'a, T: RuntimeFactors, F: Factor> {
pub(crate) app_state: &'a F::AppState,
pub(crate) app_component: &'a AppComponent<'a>,
pub(crate) instance_builders: &'a mut T::InstanceBuilders,
impl<'a, T: RuntimeFactors, F: Factor> PrepareContext<'a, T, F> {
pub fn new(
app_state: &'a F::AppState,
app_component: &'a AppComponent,
instance_builders: &'a mut T::InstanceBuilders,
) -> Self {
Self {
/// Get the app state related to the factor.
pub fn app_state(&self) -> &'a F::AppState {
/// Get the app component.
pub fn app_component(&self) -> &'a AppComponent {
/// Returns the prepared [`FactorInstanceBuilder`] for the given [`Factor`].
/// Fails if the current [`RuntimeFactors`] does not include the given
/// [`Factor`] or if the given [`Factor`]'s builder has not been prepared
/// yet (because it is sequenced after this factor).
pub fn instance_builder<U: Factor>(&mut self) -> crate::Result<&mut U::InstanceBuilder> {
.ok_or_else(|| {
"{factor} builder requested before it was prepared",
factor = std::any::type_name::<U>()